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International Women's Day 2018


International Women’s Day March 8 2018

Now, more than ever, there's a need to press forward and progress gender equality. This year the International Women’s Day campaign theme is Press for Progress. With the World Economic Forum's 2017 Global Gender Gap Report findings telling us that gender parity is over 200 years away - there has never been a more important time to keep motivated and #PressforProgress.

While we know that gender parity won't happen overnight, the good news is that across the world people are making positive gains day by day. Plus, there's indeed a very strong and growing global movement of advocacy, activism and support.

International Women's Day is not country, group or organisation specific. The day belongs to all groups collectively everywhere. So together, let's all be tenacious in accelerating gender parity. Collectively, let’s all Press for Progress.

Click here to Press for Progress!
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