Not what you might be expecting!!!
When we think of trends for the year our minds tend to drift towards the latest technology or the newest ideas and research. You may have found in the past that when it comes to the latest idea or fad you often end up back where you started in a years’ time and sometimes even further behind!
If you are keen to refresh or shift your focus in 2019, and you find yourself seeking out the latest, shiniest, newest, trendiest idea or set of buzzwords – a different approach could be to take a moment to reflect and consider the questions below.
- Are you being curious to understand others and their WHS concerns or are you perhaps focusing on telling people what they should be doing instead?
- Are you on the look-out for what people are doing safely and then providing appreciative feedback?
- Are you reflecting on how you engage and influence leaders (who may be experiencing a lot of business pressure at the expense of developing and maintaining WHS visible leadership routines)?
- Are you seeking feedback on your impact and value to others?
- Have you checked in to ensure that you are supporting others to align with the business/WHS Strategy and not just “reacting”?
- Are you helping to build a culture of care not just compliance?